The Wyoming Energy Summit: Powering Future Generations is set for May 8 at Cam-Plex. The summit will be preceded by an optional tour of the Integrated Test Center or a local coal mine and optional reception and dinner on May 7. Speakers include Jonathan Weisgall, VP for Legislative and Regulatory Affairs, Berkshire Hathaway Energy; Landon…
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DEQ Releases Environmental Report
The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has released its State of the Environment report . The release and report can be found HERE. WMA Regulatory Affairs Chairman Phil Dinsmoor (Peabody) commented that "The mining industry should take pause and consider that there are few (if any) industries in Wyoming that are more heavily involved…
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Campbell County Cemetery District
The Campbell County Cemetery District is headquartered at the beautiful Mt. Pisgah Cemetery in Gillette, WY. Its mission is to serve you, your family, and our community with the best cemetery tools and services. The Cemetery District administers nine cemeteries in Campbell County and is actively planning a tenth to take care of future needs.…
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Alignment Pros
Alignment Pros, a locally owned tire store, is a member of the Point S Group, a group of independent tire dealers who have joined together to create one of the West’s fastest growing tire retail organizations. Through these united efforts, they are able to stock top tires at competitive prices. They also provide a…
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UW to Host Entrepreneurship Summit in April
The University of Wyoming College of Business will host the third annual US Entrepreneurship Summit April 17-18 at the Marian H. Rochelle Gateway Center in Laramie. Speakers will discuss entrepreneurial resources, highlight some of the emerging companies throughout the state and focus on building connections to strengthen Wyoming's entrepreneurial ecosystem. The annual John P. Ellbogen…
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