DEQ Releases Environmental Report

The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has released its State of the Environment report . The release and report can be found HERE.

WMA Regulatory Affairs Chairman Phil Dinsmoor (Peabody) commented that "The mining industry should take pause and consider that there are few (if any) industries in Wyoming that are more heavily involved in DEQ regulatory programs. Who else, other than mining, works with Air, Water, Solid Waste, and Land Quality Divisions?  Who else is inspected by all the Divisions for compliance with their regulatory programs?  Who else must obtain permits from all the Divisions? Same answer to all of the above…..No one.

We can proudly conclude that the mining industry is, perhaps the most significant contributor to the agency-wide effort that is detailed in this DEQ State of the Environment Report.  Congratulations to the DEQ, yes. And thanks to the Wyoming Mining Industries for significant and positive contributions to Wyoming’s State of the Environment."